
Acupuncture and Medical Qigong

Welcome to my practice! I offer a unique combination of Acupunctur and Medical Qigong here in the center of Bad Homburg.

These holistic methods complement each other very well. Acupuncture is a therapy which can quickly aleviate pain, and bring the bodily energy back into flow and harmony. For example patients with recently developed Tinitus can often be healed of this condition. Or if a patient has lower back pain, one or two acupuncture sessions may be enough to be eleviated of this discomfort.

I also show my patients Medical Qigong exercises. These exercises have been developed over thousands of years. They help to realign the body, and greatly improve the energy, blood, and lymph flow. Once practiced regularly the practitioner will notice a greater sense of mentao abd physical health.

I have studied Qigong for over 20 years and since 2016 have practiced and continue to this day to study TCM Acupuncture. Through my experience, I have found that my patients benefit greatly through the integration of both acupuncture and qigong.

I studied TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) acupuncture in the Lian Klinik in Munich . In the USA, I learned Classical Chinese Medical (CCM) Qigong. Also I studied Qigong for Depression and Burn out in Korea.

In my praxis you will have an in depth consultation. This consists of: Your case history, to understand how the symptoms developed. This is followed by a tongue and puls diagnosis. Here I can see which current state the prime organs are in. If you are interested in knowing more please follow this link.

After the consultation you will receive treatment in TCM acupuncture and medical Qigong to speed up your recovery, or to just strengthen your immune system.

A patient during an acupuncture treatment
A patient during an acupuncture treatment

Qigong for Businesses

I also offer Qigong and acupuncutur to Businesses. Give your staff a 30-45min energetic boost to increase productivity and reduce fatigue and burnout.



Our address:

TCM Praxis Haverkamp
Louisenstr. 69/3.OG
61348 Bad Homburg

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